Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska called on the Central Bank more actively look towards digital currencies as a means of means. In his Telegram Channel, he noticed that someone already recognizes Bitcoin at the state level.
“Even the beggar Salvador, known for the fact that is near the frequently mentioned in the household life of Honduras, realized the need for digital currencies,” he reminded, bearing in mind that the country recognized Bitcoin as a means of means.
According to a businessman, the reluctance of the regulator to go to the leg with the development of financial technologies akin to superstition, and press releases about the “Development of the Digital Ruble” are more similar to the unsubsions.
Deripaska stressed, the Central Bank cannot give an answer when the country “will receive a real fininstrument that provides independence in foreign trade calculations”, and instead “prefers to twist nuts and discuss adolescent adolescents to trade on the exchange.”
Salvador recognized the largest cryptocurrency of the world by the official payment facility last week. The decision of the country’s Congress allows you to establish prices in Bitkins and pay taxes, as well as freely, without capital gains tax, conduct currency exchanges.
The problem for the republic was the position of the World Bank, which refused to promote the spread of Bitcoin. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) noted that it was faced with “macroeconomic, financial and legal issues” in connection with the transition of El Salvador to Bitcoin.
Deripaska regularly criticizes the policies of the Central Bank of Russia, both for a too high level of key bet and for too slow the development of alternative payments. One of the reasons for such a position is US sanctions against a billionaire, which he fails.