The first case of the disease “green mold” was found in India. About this Dr. Ravi Doses from the Institute of Medical Sciences Sri Aurobindo told The Times of India.
The case was revealed in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. This is another kind of fungal disease: its other species, “black”, “white” and “yellow” mold (mukormicosis), have already been found in tens of thousands of people.
We are talking about a 34-year-old patient, entered the hospital after the disease coronavirus. He was diagnosed with 90 percent lung damage. “A man was detected in a green fungus infection (Mushroom Aspergillus) in the lungs. This is the first case of a green fungus in Madhya Pradesh, but I’m not sure about the whole country,” said Dosi.
June 11 reported that the increase in the incidence of “black mold” in India amounted to 150 percent over the past three weeks. According to some reports, Maharashtra was most affected, where more than 600 people died.
Moorcormicosis, or “Black Mold”, is a complication that provokes fungal infection. It enters the skin through the cut, scratch or burn, as well as through direct contact with fungal disputes in the environment. The disease is a danger to patients with diabetes and weakened immunity, and especially for coronavirus.