The cost of Bitcoin on the BINANCE cryptobier for the first time since January of this year fell below 30 thousand dollars. As of 16:10 Moscow time, cryptocurrency collapsed to 29.3 thousand dollars, evidenced by the site data.
The reason for such dynamics was negative news from China. On June 21, the People’s Bank of the People’s Republic of China prescribed to Chinese organizations, including the largest banks and the Alipay payment system, do not participate in cryptocurrency transactions.
In addition, after the gradual introduction of a ban on mining cryptocurrency from the country, miners began to leave. Regulation is already valid in four provinces, including in Sichuan, which was considered a major center of mining.
At the end of May Beijing warned that it would enhance control over cryptocurrencies. At first, the Vice Premier of the State Council of the PRC Liu He was performed with such theses, and then the corresponding material published the state agency “Xinhua”.
Problems from the largest world cryptocurrency were expected. Analysts noted that the largest Chinese market players at risk sell their assets due to Beijing’s actions.