Nanods made of spheroid cells of the lungs (LSC) of a person can neutralize and remove SARS-COV-2 from the body, reducing tissue damage. The revolutionary method of treatment developed by scientists from the University of North Carolina was successfully tested on primates. This is reported in the article published in the Nature Nanotechnology magazine.
It is known that the coronavirus has an S-protein (spike protein), which binds to the ASE2 receptor on the surface of human cells, thereby ensuring the penetration of the virus in them. ASE2 is also expressed by spheroid cells of human lungs, which are a mixture of epithelial stem cells of lungs and mesenchymal cells. Consequently, LSC can be used as “traps” or false targets that capture the virus, not giving infections to spread throughout the body.
scientists have transformed individual LSC in nanopasters consisting of a cell membrane with ASE2 receptors on its surface and other membrane proteins. The researchers first confirmed that the coronavirus S-protein could really communicate with the ACE2 receptors, and then created viruses that simulate SARS-COV-2 to test the effectiveness of the nanohels (English nanodecoys) on the mouse model. Nanoparticles that have fallen into the body in the inhalation method remained in the lungs for 72 hours and accelerated the removal of the virus.
In the final part of the study, scientists experienced inhaled therapy on macakes. Nano-nods not only removed the virus from the body, but reduced inflammation and formation of fibrous tissues in the lungs. Although there was not a toxic action, the authors emphasize that additional research would be needed before clinical trials in humans. In particular, it is necessary to determine how nanods are derived from the body.