David Kipping Astronomer from Columbia University in the United States suggested several explanations of the Paradox of the Red Sky, according to which the most numerous type of stars in the universe is not visible in the sky for some reason – red dwarfs. The article of the scientist was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Kyping used Bayesian statistics, which considered the likelihood of any event depends on the new information about it. The scientist considered the likelihood of a reasonable observer at the stars of the sun type (spectral type F, G or k) or red dwarf. Red dwarfs are found five times more often than the stars of the main sequence, and live 20 times longer. In addition, numerous rocky planets are found around them, similar to Earth.
The chance that a reasonable observer will accidentally appear at the star, similar to the sun, and not in red dwarf, is one to 100. However, this contradicts the principle of Copernicus (also known as the principle of media), according to which humanity does not occupy a special position. in the universe.
The scientist concluded that red dwarfs may be lower than the likelihood of a reasonable life, a shorter available temporary window for the evolution of a challenging life or a lower probability of occurrence of inhabited planets near red dwarfs. Theoretically, one or even several of the three options can explain the absence of a “red sky”, since the observer may occur only away from red dwarfs. As Kipping writes in the article, all three options seem possible due to limited knowledge, but future astrobiological studies will help clarify the exact cause of the paradox.