German Defense Minister estimated neo-Nazi party of soldiers with rape

FRG Defense Minister Annegeret Kramp Carrenbauer responded to the Neo-Nazi party of the Bundeswehr (Armed Forces of Germany) in Lithuania, during which the servicemen raped their colleague. Reports about it RND.

Speaking to the younger officers at the Academy of Leadership in Hamburg, she called on the commanders of the divisions “to become the first line of protection against extremism and unlawful actions.” “I appeal to all of you: look carefully, be consistent, do not miss anything and do not hide anything,” she said.

“We hear about sexual encroachments and systematic bullying, we hear about the anti-Semitic statements in the songs of the Nazi era. These are particularly dangerous crimes, they will be investigated by all the rules, right up to dismissal from the Bundeswehr,” Kramp Carrenbauer added.

The Minister also appreciated the international aspect of the scandal. She pointed out that the servicemen “a good reputation of our country”.

On the incident, which the head of the Ministry of Defense said, was reported on June 17. Then it became known that the platoon of the 92nd training tank Grenadier battalion from the NATO mission in April arranged a “restorative event”. The division was settled in one of the hotels in the city of Hella, and during the party soldiers sang the right extremist and anti-Semitic songs. In particular, they performed “Serenadu” dedicated to Adolf Hitler, at the same time ignored the requirement of sergeant to stop. On the same evening, one of the soldiers invested his penis in his mouth sleeping comrade and took it on video. Then the Karrenbauer called the behavior of the soldier “unforgivable” and “shameful”. The whole platoon was decided to return to Germany.

Earlier, the Chairman of the Bundeswehr Andre Vyustner said that in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Germany there is a share of the Nazis and Ultra right, but this share is not great and is not a serious problem. In the light of the recently discovered extremist chat of the German military, Vutenner recognized the existence of the Nazis among German employees, but clarified that these are isolated cases. Nevertheless, in his opinion, even a single case – “it is too much.” He connected the new cult of Hitler in the army with a “simple Social Seduction Mechanism.”

/Media reports.