British massively drove to Russia for sake of treatment

British suffering from sclerosis, are forced to massively leave for Russia and Mexico for the sake of treatment. This reports The Mirror with reference to the patients.

The transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells (TGSC) is made only in several British hospitals, so patients can wait for their turn about a year. In addition, for the receipt of medical services, they must comply with some criteria: for example, to reside in that region where there are appropriate hospitals.

Meanwhile, the procedure can extend the life of patients and facilitate their suffering. To get the necessary services, patients collect money and privately leaving to Russia or Mexico. In particular, the 42-year-old Joselin Kolvert (Joceline Colvert) decided to such a step, which gathered 40 thousand pounds and went to Moscow – she did not suit the criteria and did not get into the British clinic.

“My disease has ceased to progress. I can undergo a course of physiotherapy and already see some improvements. It instills in me hope,” Joselin shared in a conversation with The Mirror.

Scattered sclerosis is a disease of the central nervous system, which leads to disabled. In Russia, about 200 thousand people live with this diagnosis. The main signs of the disease are rapid fatigue, vision problems, shaky gait, violation of coordination of movements, loss of sensitivity. In the absence of treatment, in ten years, half of the patients lose their performance and cannot do homework, after 15 years they cease to move independently, and in 25 years old are not able to walk even with support.

/Media reports.