Free Heroes of Might and Magic II 6 July

available Project release Fheroes2 0.9.5 trying to recreate the game Heroes of Might and Magic II. The project code is written in C ++ and is distributed under the GPLV2 license. To start the game, you want files with game resources that can be obtained, for example, from the demo version of Heroes of Might and Magic II.

Main changes:

  • In the viewing window of the characteristics and parameters of the creature, detailed descriptions of special properties have been added.
  • Holding the scroll keys of the lists can quickly move on the list in the entire game interface.
  • fixed multiple problems of passability near objects on the world map.
  • In the campaigns, the restart of the script and the display of special messages from the beings appeared.
  • AI now knows how to visit almost all objects on the world map and paves your way much more rational.
  • Fixed over 70 errors.

/Media reports.