Release Yggdrasil 0.4, implementation of private network running over Internet

Published Edition of the reference implementation of the Protocol yggdrasil 0.4 , allowing us on top of a regular global network to deploy a separate decentralized private IPv6 network, to protect privacy in which end-to-end encryption is applied. To work through the YGGDRASIL network, any existing IPv6 applications can be used. Implementation is written in GO and spreads under the LGPLv3 license. Linux, Windows, MacOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Ubiquiti Edgerouter platforms are supported.

YGGDRASIL develops a new routing concept to create a global decentralized network, nodes in which can be connected as directly among themselves in MESH mode (for example, via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth), so and interact over existing IPv6 or IPv4 networks (network over the network). A distinctive feature of YGGdrasil is self-organization of work, without the need to explicit routing configuration – information about routes is calculated from the location of the node in the network relative to other nodes. Devices are addressed through the usual IPv6 address, which does not change if the node is moved (an unused address range of 0200 :: / 7 is involved in YGGDRASIL.

All Yggdrasil is considered not as a union scattered subnets , but as a unified structured Auxiliary Tree , which has one” root “, and each node has one Parent, as well as one or several descendants. A similar tree structure allows you to build a route to a destination node, relative to the source node using the “Locator” mechanism that determines the optimal path to the node from the root.

Tree information is distributed between the nodes and is not stored centrally. A distributed hash table (DHT) is used to exchange routing data, with which the node can extract all the route information to another node. The network itself provides only through encryption (transit nodes cannot determine the contents), but not anonymity (when connecting via the Internet, peer-to-peer nodes with which direct interaction is carried out can define a real IP address, so for anonymity it is proposed to connect nodes through Tor for anonymity or I2P).

It is noted that despite the design of the project at the stage of alpha development, it is already stable enough for daily use, but does not guarantee the backward compatibility between the releases. For YGGDRASIL 0.4, the community is supported by a set of services , including a platform for placing Linux containers for hosting its sites, searching system yacy, Communication Server Matrix, IRC server, DNS, VoIP system, BitTorrent tracker Card connection points, gateway to IPFS and proxy to access TOR, I2P and CLEARnet networks.

In the new version:

/Media reports.