Militants kidnapped children from tuberculosis hospital

In Nigeria, the militants kidnapped three children and several adults from the hospital for patients with tuberculosis. This is reported by BBC News.

The incident occurred at the National Center of Tuberculosis and Lepra in the city of Zaria. According to the police, a group of armed people opened fire on the city police station, and the other group of terrorists at the same time attacked the hospital. According to local residents, the attack on the police was distracting maneuver.

It is noted that the militants attacked the hostel of the medical center workers. One of the hospital staff told that they kidnapped at least 12 people, including four children. The attackers disappeared with them in the near forest. At the moment, local security services are looking for hostages.

cases of kidnapping occur in Nigeria regularly. So, on June 21, it became known that in the village of Birnin-Yaur, terrorists attacked school and kidnapped at least 80 children and several adults. It is noted that most abducted girls. When penetrating into the school, militants killed a policeman and a child who provided medical care.

before that, about the similar incident reported on May 31. Then a group of armed people attacked boarding school in the city of Tags in the west of Nigeria. They kidnapped 200 students.

/Media reports.