President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on July 4th congratulated the US people on Independence Day. The document is posted in the Telegram channel “Pool of the First”.
He expressed the conviction that “the relationships between business representatives and ordinary citizens are not limited to political conjuncture and become a pledge of trust and respectful relationships.” At the same time, the congratulation is not specified US President Joe Biden.
Lukashenko reminded that the peoples of Belarus and the United States “know very well the real price of their sovereignty, together they fought for him during the world wars of the last century with weapons in their hands and are ready to defend their independence in the name of peace, stability and cloudless future of their children” .
On April 17, Lukashenko stated that he was planned for him and his children, which was approved by the US authorities. The FSB confirmed information about the attempted and attempt to the State Ponds in Belarus. In Russia, citizens of the Republic of Alexander Fedut and Yuri Zyenkovich were detained, who also has an American passport.