In the framework of the program of events dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the first flight of a person in space, an exhibition continues to work in the Pavilion “Cosmos”, glorifying the feat of domestic constructors and developers in the field of rocket and space technology.
To preserve historical memory about the founder of autonomous systems of rocket technology management, a member of the Council of the Chief Designers N.A. Pilyugin, promoting key achievements of the Scientific and Production Center of the Automation and Instrument-making named after Academician N.A. Pilyugina (part of the state corporation “Roskosmos”), its history and roles in the domestic space industry in the main exhibition complex of the country in the Cosmos Pavilion, the exposition is operating on the Piliugin Center – the leading enterprise of Russia to create management systems for rocket and space technology.
The presented exhibits reflect the evolution of instruments of control systems from the legendary P-7 to modern space dismissal, as well as for promising carriers, accelerated blocks and spacecraft.
In total, more than 120 exhibits are exhibited in the pavilion, including the Mir station layouts with dashed modules “Kvant-1”, “Kvant-2”, “Crystal” and Space Shuttle “Buran” in a pair with a model most powerful model The world of the launch vehicle “Energy”. Here you can see a unique spacecraft, such as the world’s first planet ship “Lunohod-1” and descended devices of automatic interplanetary stations “Venus-1” and “Venus-9”.
Exposure visitors meets the “Fedor” robot – the first Russian humanoid work, equipped with artificial intelligence and created specifically to perform particularly dangerous tasks in space.