More than half of the US inhabitants approved the work of the head of the White House Joe Bayden to combat a pandemic. This is what the survey data The Washington Post and ABC.
Biden got high marks for its fight against coronavirus pandemic, however, the government’s efforts to vaccinate as much as possible Americans continue to face obstacles, including resistance among citizens who identify themselves as Republicans.
According to a survey, 62 percent of Americans approve how Biden copes with a pandemic, 31 percent spoken up approvingly, and 7 percent abstained from the answer. It is noted that the results sharply separated on this issue depending on the party affiliation. So, 95 percent of the Democrats approved the work of the US President, while among the Republicans approval expressed only 33 percent of respondents.
Republicans and Democrats also dramatically disagree on vaccines: 86 percent of Democrats say that they received at least one vaccine vaccination, while 45 percent declared the same among the Republicans. Also, six percent of Democrats stated that they are unlikely to make vaccinations, while 47 percent of the Republicans said the same.