In accordance with the Flight Program of the International Space Station on July 2, 2021 at 03:59:41 Moscow time, the transport cargo ship “Progress MS-17”, which started from the Baikonur cosmodrome by two days earlier. Operations for the junction and docking to the “Search” module were carried out automatically under the control of specialists from the Center for Flight Management TsNIIMASH, the main operational group of the management of the Rocket and Space Corporation “Energy” named after S.P. Queen (included in the state corporation “Roscosmos”) and Russian members of the crew of the ISS-65, the astronauts of Roscosmos Oleg Novitsky and Peter Dubrov.
On Wednesday, June 30, the Baikonur cosmodrome started the “Soyuz-2.1a” carrier with the Transport Cargo Ship “Progress MS-17”. Start went regular at 02:27 Moscow time from site number 31. About nine minutes later, the ship was led into orbit.
Space “truck” delivered by the ISS cargo with a total mass of more than 2.5 tons, necessary to maintain its flight in the manned mode and implement the program of scientific and applied research on board. They are: 470 kg of fuel refueling, 420 liters of drinking water in the pots of the Spring system, 40 kg of air and oxygen in cylinders, as well as 1,509 kg of various equipment and materials in the cargo compartment, including resource equipment and maintenance means of onboard systems, Styling for cosmic experiments, medical control and sanitary facilities, clothing items, standard diet and fresh products for the crew members of the 65th major expedition.
In addition, a set of target loads will go to the station as part of the implementation of the Russian scientific and applied research program and experiments:
- laying “Neurolab” are designed to conduct a series of medical experiments “Pilot-T” to study the influence of long-term space flight factors on the quality of professional activity of astronauts;
- Correction Experiment materials are used to develop effective means of prevention of changes Bone tissue of astronauts in conditions of weightlessness;
- Biorisk and Constanta-2 laying serve as a laboratory to study the influence of space flight factors on the condition of complex protein compounds and survival of microorganisms;
- Experiment ” Probeivitis “is aimed at developing the production of pharmacological products with immunomodulatory properties in microgravity conditions;
- UV atmosphere equipment provides detailed mapping of the global structure of the night glow of the earth’s atmosphere to study meteorological processes and space weather.