Spheres with greatest growth of salaries in Russia

Median salary in the second quarter increased most in the banking sector (15 percent in relation to the first quarter), writes TASS with reference to the results of the study “Avito.Rot”.

also wages increased by Russians employed in the restaurant and hotel business (by 11 percent), administrative work and beauty sector (seven percent). Analysts also called the median salaries in mass professions. At the end of the quarter, he amounted to 35 thousand rubles per month.

is three percent more than in the first quarter (and 17 percent than a year ago). Logistics and automotive business are the most paid groups of professions. In these areas, employers offer 45 thousand rubles per month. The largest median salary was in Moscow (59 thousand rubles per month) and St. Petersburg (45 thousand rubles per month).

Earlier, Rosstat reported that the real salaries of Russians rose in April to 7.8 percent in the annual expression from 1.8 percent in March. In total, the average monthly accrued salary in April 2021 amounted to 56,614 rubles and compared with the relevant period of the previous year increased by 13.8 percent.

According to Finexpertiza, in 2020, 9.1 percent of the total population of Russia, or 13.3 million people, lived on income not exceeding 10 thousand rubles per month. In 2019, the proportion of such people was 10.2 percent.

/Media reports.