Gas prices in Europe flew on space to almost $ 500 per thousand cubic meters. As Interfax notes, it happened against the background of a low level of stocks in the repositories of Europe and the declining deliveries of liquefied natural gas (LNG).
In particular, spot prices broke the historical record at the TTF Hub in the Netherlands, where the cost of a thousand cubic meters per day increased by 5 percent and amounted to 484 dollars. At the same time, the rise in price of LNG in Asia is observed. The September futures for the Asian spot index Platts JKM reached $ 529 per thousand cubic meters, and the most expensive contract of future winter – for February 2022 – costs $ 570.
According to an analyst on the gas center of the power center, Skolkovo Sergey Kapitonov, the price reduction is not worth waiting until the “Northern Flow-2” is launched, the Kommersant reports. The first commercial supplies on the first thread can begin in October 2021.
In June, gas prices in Europe took off due to heat on space up to $ 363 per thousand cubic meters. This is the maximum indicator since the beginning of March 2018. The average price of the contract “For a day ahead” on TTF from the beginning of 2021 amounted to 264 dollars per thousand cubic meters. The Budget “Gazprom” for the current year laid the average price of gas exports to far abroad at $ 170 per thousand cubes.