Britain: you will need to explain lack of women

British and foreign companies whose securities are treated on the regulated market in the country will have to comply with certain requirements for their leadership or explain their non-fulfillment, follows from the Financial Regulation Office (FCA) proposals.

In the department, they want to change the rules of listing, obliging the company on an annual basis to report on gender and other varieties. Thus, the number of women in the board should reach at least 40 percent, while one of them should take a high post – to be the head of the company, a senior independent director or chief financial director. At the same time, it is also permissible to take into account persons who identify themselves as women clarified in FCA. In addition, at least one member of the Board should not be white. Otherwise, companies will require explain the lack of such persons in the manual.

In FCA, it is calculated that the rules should take effect by the end of the year. Changes can touch approximately 1,100 listed companies in the premium and standard segments, clarified in the department. At the beginning of the year, in the Britain’s main companies in the FTSE 350 Index of the London Exchange, the number of women in the board was about 34 percent.

In early July, the management together with the Bank of England made another initiative to increase the level of manifolds in the collectives. They were offered to bind to the share of gays, lesbians, disabled and representatives of national minorities, income of the leaders of British banks and investment companies.

/Media reports.