Protesters against new anticoroneviral measures of the Government of Slovakia blocked the movement in the center of Bratislava. Reports about it Reuters.
On July 26, the Slovak authorities adopted a law, which obliges all unsecured citizens to take tests on COVID-19 before visiting cinemas, restaurants and other closed public places. This caused dissatisfaction with the Slovaks that do not want to vaccinate.
On the morning of July 29, they began to gather on the square in front of the residence of the President of Slovakia to Zuzanana Schaputy in Bratislava. At the moment, their number reached several hundred people. Despite the blocked movement of cars in the city center, the police do not take any measures.
July 21, “Sanitary Pass”, allowing only people who were visited from coronavirus to visit public institutions introduced in France. On July 24, citizens opposing vaccination and similar restrictive measures, gathered for protests in the center of Paris. To overclock the metropolitan police had to apply tear gas. France President Emmanuel Macron called the disgruntled French by the “egoists”, since the refusal of vaccination can lead to their relatives and loved ones.