Residents of New York will pay 100 dollars for vaccination from Covid-19

New York residents will be able to receive remuneration for the first vaccination from coronavirus. The message about this is published on the site of the city hall.

According to the administration of the metropolis, which passed the vaccination will be able to make an prepaid debit card in the amount of $ 100. Citizens have the right to choose other prizes. As an alternative remuneration, they are offered an annual subscription to a public theater, free visit to city attractions, gift certificates or bracelets for free family holidays in the Moon Park.

The vaccinated becomes the participants of the super-draw. People aged 18 and older can win accommodation in the best hotels in the city or get $ 2500 in cash until the end of July.

also the stimulating program from the mayor’s office concerns public and religious organizations. For each sent to vaccination they get 100 dollars to your account.

Earlier in the US, several people won the lottery for vaccinated. Ebian Bugensk from Silverton received one million dollars, and a schoolboy Joseph Kostello from Englwood won the full payment of his future learning. It is noted that the scholarship will cover the cost of training at any university or staff college, as well as accommodation and food over four years.

/Media reports.