Teenager from a religious Indian family died as a result of domestic violence, provoked by the refusal to remove jeans. The corresponding material publishes BBC .
Beating occurred in the Northern state of Uttar Pradesh in the village of Savredi Harg. The mother of 17-year-old Neha Paswan told that her grandfather and uncle beat the girl with sticks after the dispute because of her appearance. “She observed the daily religious post. In the evening, the daughter put on jeans and top and performed her prayer rituals. When grandparents criticized her clothes, she objected her, saying that he would not remove jeans and would continue to wear them,” Shakuntala Devi said Paswan).
Spore aggravated, and this led to violence. According to a woman, when her daughter lay unconscious, family members called the car, saying that she would take her to the hospital. “They did not allow me to go with them, so I warned other relatives and asked them to go to the district hospital. However, they did not find my daughter there,” added Endub.
The next morning, the familiar reported to the woman that they saw the body of the Girl on the bridge near the Gandak River. Soon the police arrived at the place, and the investigation showed that it belongs to 17-year-old entangle.
Local organs opened the case of the murder and destroying evidence against ten people, including grandmother and grandfather of the dead, uncle, aunt, cousins and sisters, as well as the driver of the car. The accused has not yet made public statements.
In the material it is noted that women and girls in small cities and rural areas of India live in hard restrictions: heads of the villages or patriarchases of families often dictate that they wear where to go and with whom to talk. Any emboss is subject to punishment, so domestic violence is a serious problem in the country.
In March, it became known about the Russian who wore a female skirt and was killed by a stool. The incident happened in Mikhailov Ryazan region. Two men attacked him during the separation of alcoholic beverages. He appeared on the street in the skirt: the criminals considered this behavior inadequate.