Tobacco companies responded to the data that cigarette deficits may begin in Russia. About this vice president of corporate matters of affiliated companies “Philip Morris International” (PMI, Marlboro, Parliament) in Russia Sergey Slipchenko told RBC.
He assured that at the moment there is no risk of suspension. However, on the other hand, I noticed Slipchenko, it will be impossible to replace the supply of varieties. “And this can lead to a complete stop of production,” he concluded and added that it was now necessary to look for a joint decision with the authorities in the current situation. The director of work with the state authorities JTI (Winston, Camel) in Russia, Vasily Gruzdev, said about the need for dialogue (Winston, Camel).
In turn, the Director of Corporate and Legal Affairs “Imperial Tobacco” (Davidoff, West) in Russia and Central Asia Ilon Mirtova told about the danger of interruptions in supply chains. She argues that this can provoke not only a reduction, but also suspension of production. Also, Mirtova added, in this case the planned excise payments will decrease, and a new window will open for the illegal market.
About the possible lack of cigarettes was previously reported to the newspaper Kommersant. The publication warned that due to the new restrictions of the Rosselkhoznadzor on the import of tobacco raw materials from several countries, the largest producers can suspend the production of products. The formal cause of temporary restrictions was the fact that in tobacco from India, South Africa, Brazil, Tanzania and Malawi found a multicast Muhu-Gorbatku.
In this regard, the Executive Director of the Tobacco Industry Development Board, Edward Vorontsov, said that the ban would lead to the “tobacco industry” tobacco industry in Russia, the receipt of the main volume of cigarettes will cease, and the companies will be forced to send Tens of thousands to “Forced” Man.