Energomash congratulated “supreme” sailors with Day of Navy

On the last Sunday of July, Russia marks the Day of the Navy. On this holiday in the capital of the Northern Fleet, the city of North Murmansk region, the delegation of NGO Energomash is always sent (part of the state corporation “Roskosmos”). Despite the limitations associated with the opposition of coronavirus infection, the tradition was not violated this year.

July 25, the head of the training and development of the staff of Valery Smetanin and the BTK-115 controller, the winner of the prom competition Alexey Markov visited 14 brigade of large anti-submarine ships of the Northern Fleet, with which NGO Energomash bind a long-standing friendly relationship.

The close connection of the Northern Fleet and NGO Energomash takes the beginning from the mid-1960s, when the former Northern Fleet Sailor Yevgeny Rumyantsev proposed the leadership to take the patribution over the combination of anti-submarine ships of the Northern Fleet. The chief designer of the enterprise Valentin Petrovich Glushko supported the idea, hoping that the shepherd connection would help NGO Energomash to replenish the personnel composition with young, competent and qualified personnel. So it happened: after the demobilization of the North Mountains, they were happy to accept the factory: they gave registration, a place in the hostel, helped to enter the factory technical school or university.

And this year, at the current tradition, representatives of NGO Energomash presented to the command of ships gifts from the enterprise, and also agreed to enhance cooperation, including the organization of calls for the North Fleet of NGO Energomash.

Command and Sailors 14 Brigades of large anti-submarine ships of the Northern Fleet expressed their appreciation to Energomanus for many years of cooperation and assistance to the personnel of ships.

/Media reports.