Russian authorities thought about the introduction of new restrictions on cigarettes. In its Telegram-channel, the Health Deputy Minister Oleg Salagay clarified that we are talking about more impersonal packages, enlarged pictures about the dangers of smoking and prohibit flavors.
“In our country, during this time, a comprehensive anti-bacade law was adopted, containing basic measures to protect against tobacco smoke. Last year, a law was adopted, which were actually equated to the usual regulation in terms of regulation,” he reminded Added that in any case with respect to tobacco products it is necessary to take new measures.
It is assumed that drawings about the dangers of smoking will have to occupy up to 75 percent of the pack, and the packs themselves will lead to a single size. In addition, a ban on the use of flavors and dyes is being worked out, as well as enhance the dependence of additives in all products containing nicotine.
Earlier, the Kommersant newspaper warned that cigarette manufacturers in Russia could stop their release due to ban on tobacco imports from India, South Africa, Brazil, Tanzania and Malawi.
In addition, in Russia, they decided to change the rules for trade in cigarettes. In particular, production and wholesale trade of cigarettes will be licensed.