Electricity exports from Russia turned out to be recorded since 2012, writing “Izvestia”. In the first half of the year, the supply to Finland increased three years in annual terms, in the Baltic countries – twice.
From January to June, according to preliminary data, 10.2 billion kilowatts-hour was sold abroad (in the same period last year, the figure was 5.2 billion kilowatt-hour). At the end of the year, Russia can earn more than one billion dollars on export.
Such indicators are explained by the favorable price grounds against the background of a cold winter, as well as an abnormal heat in summer. In addition, deliveries to the Baltic countries go through the cross section of Russia-Latvia, which is more efficient than transit to Lithuania through Belarus, noted in the company “INTER RAO”. Spread prices for electricity in some EU countries continue to grow due to abnormal heat. For the first four months of the year, the revenues of Russia from the export of electricity amounted to 280 million dollars.
Meanwhile, the demand for electricity in Russia during the abnormal heat reached the historical maximum. Earlier it was reported that Russia ranked second among European countries with the cheapest electricity for the population (3.6 rubles per kilowatt-hour). According to the results of the study, the lowest cost of electricity was in Kazakhstan, where it stands a little more than two rubles per kilowatt-hour.