The regulation of ecosystems, which offers the Central Bank, will reduce the regulatory capital of the banking system of Russia by 2.7 trillion rubles, or 20-21 percent. This, speaking at the International Financial Congress, said the first deputy chairman of the Board of Sberbank Lev Hasis, RIA Novosti reports.
“If you imagine that all the proposed measures have been operating right now in the moment, then the regulatory capital of the entire banking system would decrease by about 2.7 trillion rubles, this is about 20-21 percent of the total capital of the Russian banking system,” said Hasis, speaking at the International Financial Congress.
In his opinion, the proposed five-year transition period will be insufficient for many banks to adapt to regulation.
“It is important for us that the regulation does not have a risk to implement our strategy, which was approved by the Government of Russia, supported shareholders and investors. If regulation makes us retreat from this strategy, it can significantly affect the attractiveness of our shares and, as a result. , their cost, “he added.
Also Lev Hasis said that Sberbank standards will cope with the introduction of a risk limit on attachments to the ecosystem, but the standards of other banks may be under the blow.
“Theoretically, the regulation goal is very correct and reasonable. The question arises to the practical ways of achievement. In this part, it seems to me that it is possible to very seriously improve and think of some suggestions that sounded. Because the devil in the details, it is necessary Of course, to look at these details, and there are still many questions to the details, “in my opinion,” the words of the first deputy chairman “Interfax” leads.
In particular, Sberbank has caused the question of the size of the proposed risk limit – 30 percent of risk-balanced assets from capital. For a large number of banks, this limit is overly aggressive, Khasis believes.
“in reality, taking into account those limits, and most importantly – coefficients, in a large number of banks in this limit, they will not even be put on their needs for maintaining the main banking activities, respectively, all investments will simply be deducted from capital with a raising coefficient. That is For banks, it will be cheaper than these investments by 100 percent reserve than to leave them in this form, as they are, “said the top manager.
also he also believes that the fixed assets and problem assets should be removed from under regulation.