One of the largest owners of Bitcoins in the world of Mircea Popeska died in mysterious circumstances in Costa Rica, writes the TRUSTNODES edition.
According to preliminary data, the 41-year-old Pole June 23 went to swim into the ocean, where he was carried out and drowned. The physicians who arrived at place found a body without signs of life, tried to reanimate it, but could not.
In 2013, the Satoshidice project was sold for 125 thousand bitcoins, he also owned by the MPEX exchange. The billionaire noted that Bitcoin “is the most important project of humanity.” Family Popesca does not have access to its digital assets and accumulated bitcoins may disappear from the market forever. In 2016, on his accounts, according to unofficial data, there were about one million bitcoins.
Earlier it was reported that in the Republic of South Africa, there are two founder brothers in the founder of the cryptocurrency investment company Africrypt, Bloomberg writes. Together with them, 69 thousand bitcoins belonged to customers were 3.6 billion dollars.