The solemn closure of the spring stage of the East-2021 cosmodrome – 2021 was held on the Eastern Sprotary Stage. Throughout the stage, the detachments participated in production competitions, creative and sports competitions, following which the winners in different nominations were determined among young people.
So, Julia Marenyuk became the best fighter of the spring stage, the best commander – Milena Sharipova, the best construction student detachment was the SSO “Fortress” from the Altai Territory. Thank you were awarded Danil Koins.
At the facilities of the Eastern Cosmodrome Center (the branch of the Tsenniuszius is included in the state corporation “Roskosmos”) Student detachments worked from May 11 to June 26, 2021. The guys were engaged in general construction work on the residential foundation, landscaping of meteochomplex, the preparation of executive and technical documentation.
In total, 100 students from Siberia and the Far East took part in the competition. Representatives of the Amur College of Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Blagoveshchensk), Far Eastern State Agrarian University (Blagoveshchensk), Altai Architectural and Construction College (Barnaul), Novosibirsk College and Cartography (Novosibirsk), Blagoveshchensky Polytechnic College (Blagoveshchensk), Amur Multifunctional Center for Professional Qualifications (Belogorsk), Raichichin Industrial Technical School (Raichikinsk).
The center of operation of ground-based space infrastructure features student construction detachments since 2017. During this time, more than four thousand students from 45 regions of the Russian Federation were involved in the construction of space objects of the cosmodrome.