The new version of COVID-19, massively diagnosed in South America, broke out beyond the continent, reached Europe and was recorded in the UK. About it reports The Sun.
As the British Ministry of Health reported, six cases of “lambda” -varita Coronavirus were found on the island state, while they are all connected with travel abroad.
“Lambda” -Varization SARS-COV-2 (C.37) is now under special observation due to several notable strain mutations, including L452Q and F490S. The World Health Organization has already classified a “lambda” -variant as a variation requiring close observation. In WHO stated that the mutations of the new strain of COVID-19 are more infectious and strengthen resistance to antibodies, although evidence is not enough to talk about it for sure. Currently, the UK Ministry of Health conducts laboratory tests in order to better understand how new mutations affect the behavior of the virus.
According to the publication, on Peru, where it was for the first time a new coronavirus strain was recorded, there are more than 81 percent of Lambda diseases. This type of infection has spread to Chile (there they suffer 32 percent of all infected over the past 60 days), Argentina and Ecuador.
Also, doctors found a new dangerous version of Coronavirus in the south of Brazil. According to researchers, the spread of the new SARS-COV-2 strain can exacerbate the epidemiological situation in the country.