After a sharp correction of the cryptocurrency market, Bitcoin sank from the third to the sixth place in the top 10 of the most popular tokens in Russia on the largest cryptobier BINANCE. This is evidenced by the CoinmarketCAP statistical resource, report “Izvestia”.
According to the head of the J2TX broker, Artem Moiseeva, such a change says that players speculating at the price of tokens translated their investments from Bitcoin in less expensive altcoins, allowing them to manage their cost and trade in strong changes in quotations. Also, some of the investors are trying to compensate for damages, putting into more risky assets.
In April, Russia headed the list of countries to increase the number of users of cryptocurrency platforms. So, at the beginning of the year, the average monthly rates of increasing the number of clients were 37.1 percent, the head of the ICB FUND Investment Department was told Aaron Khomsky. At the end of last year, Russian residents occupied the fifth place in terms of the amount of profit received from Bitcoin’s operations, earning $ 0.6 billion, but during May the citizens quickly sold the assets bought from mid-December, and at a loss.
June 22, Bitcoin lost more than 11 percent of the cost. Cryptocurrency decreased in price by 11.15 percent and costs $ 31,750 91 cent.
In May, the founder and chapter Tesla Ilon Mask collapsed the cost of Bitcoin, stating that the company plans to keep, and not selling bitcoins already available and intends to use them for transactions as soon as the mining proceeds to a more sustainable energy. Another entrepreneur said that the company suspends the sale of electric vehicles for bitcoins due to the non-elastic method of obtaining this cryptocurrency. Wall Street analysts warned that the last steps of the mask are confused by cryptoinistors and cause additional volatility of TESLA shares.