Rosneft Deutschland GmbH, (enters the “Rosneft”), began to perform refueling “in the wing” at the airport of the Bavarian city of Nuremberg (Germany). About this “” reported in Rosneft.
Planned regular supplies of Jet A-1 fuel to Nuremberg airport, which will expand the geography of the presence of Rosneft Deutschland GmbH in Germany – Already, the company is registered airlines at Berlin airports, Munich and Stuttgart.
Sales of the airline in Germany – part of the long-term strategy for the development of this business line of Rosneft business. Rosneft Deutschland supplies airlocherosin to many European and international airlines in Germany and is going to continue to develop this business direction both inside the FRG and in the European market as a whole.
The company aims to contribute not only to the supply of the Russian regime, but also in improving environmental fuel indicators. Since 2019, Rosneft Deutschland has become a member of Aireg Association (Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy Sources in Germany) in order to develop research, production and use of environmentally friendly aviation fuel in Germany.