Pensioners agreed to work at construction sites instead of migrants

The Russian Union of Pensioners agreed with the idea of ​​Deputy Prime Minister Marat Husnullin to attract non-working people aged to work at construction sites instead of migrants. This was stated by the radio station “Says Moscow” head of the association, member of the Federation Council Valery Ryazan.

In his opinion, unemployment among people of retirement age is related to the fact that they are not in demand. Workplaces occupy migrants, and to arrange a person at the age becomes much “stuck”. Ryazan also recalled that a third of pensioners – “Founders”, which retire at 45-48 years.

“Now the period has come when it is necessary to use the experience of people age. They can work on different specialties: both on design, and masters, and those who prepare a tool for work and in warehouses, and on high-tech operations where unevenness is required And the quality of work. They can perform a qualified work, “Senator spoke.

In addition, he suggested introducing retirement courses to teach pensioners. “People today agreed much slower, and many are able to offer themselves to the state,” the head of the Union concluded.

Previously, the Deputy Prime Minister Marat Husnullin proposed to attract pensioners to mobilize labor personnel in the Russian construction industry. Regions “practically fight for labor resources,” he noted. “We fell into the demographic failure of the 90s and the beginning of zero. Therefore, we need to build a competent policy of attracting specialists. This is a training, and mobilization of even non-working retirees,” Husnullin stressed.

Migrants have already been offered to replace the prisoners and students.

/Media reports.