New mass graves of children discovered in Canada

New mass graves of children discovered on the territory of the former Catholic boarding school for Aboriginal in Canada. It is reported that the number of remains found is a record among such excavations, writes CBC.

Such results led to excavations at the city of Marieval, Saskatchewan. The state is named after the nationality, to which, presumably belongs to the corona buried on the territory of the school. We are talking about hundreds of nameless graves, in which they found the remains most likely owned by minors.

Campaign to investigate the work of educational institutions, in which children from the tribes were taken to study from families, began in Canada after it became known about violence, humiliation and many hundreds of children’s deaths in their walls. Programs for the re-education of the native population, which were conducted up to 1990, the current Canadian authorities consider the “cultural genocide” of the indigenous population.

For several decades, approximately 150 thousand Aboriginal children passed through such institutions, about four thousand of them were died during a rehabilitation.

At the end of May, 215 remains of the tel were found on the territory of the boarding school in the boarding school in Kamloops. Some dead children were three years old. According to the head of the community of the city of Rosanna Casimir, the burial has never been documented by the school administration.

/Media reports.