Retribution campaign for the murder of a drug dealer paralyzed the life of the Brazilian city of Millionnica Manaus. It is reported by the British newspaper The Guardian.
On Saturday evening, June 5, the police shot the alleged leader of the gang of drug dealers Erica Batistu Kostov, famous for the nickname “Dadino”. In response, members of the group unfolded a whole war with local authorities.
The targets of criminals became police sites, municipal buildings, banks, dozens of buses and personal cars in city residents. Due to the growth of violence, the authorities were forced to close schools and centers for vaccination of the population from Coronavirus.
In March, it was reported that the Italian mafia had forbade Siren and Flashing Flashing soon due to drug dealers: those allegedly could not complete transactions with buyers, as confused doctors with police officers. During the last incident in Naples, two unknown on a motorcycle caught up with an ambulance, when she was on the challenge. Mafiosi threatened to shoot the driver, if he does not turn off Sirena, and insisted that it cannot be used in this area.