Release of the multimedia player QMPlay2 06/21/07 (QT Media Player 2) written using the Qt library and able to play all the formats of sound and video files supported in FFMPEG and LIBMODPLUG, including tracks J2B (JAZZ JACKRABBIT 2 ) and SFX (amiga), ChipTunes and Rayman2 music (.apm). The program also includes a built-in YouTube navigation interface (used YouTube-DL) and Prostopleer , and can play streaming content via HTTP, HTTPS, RTSP, RTMP and MMS. CUVID hardware acceleration mechanisms are supported (for NVIDIA), DXVA2 (Windows Vista +), VDPAU / VA-API (X11, Linux / BSD) and VideotoolBox (MacOS). Code distributed under the LGPLv3
license in the new release on the Linux platform is involved in the “~ / .config / qmplay2” settings and A transition to the use of the QTDBUS API instead of QProcess to block the care of sleep mode is performed. Wasapi is involved in Windows to output sound. Improved sorting of playlists. Solved problems using the VA-API for Vulkan and new Radeon / Mesa drivers. YouTube navigation interface is adapted to the service added.