Registration of the trademark “Postage stamp” in Rospatent on a wide list of goods does not mean that “Russian Post” will begin to sell each of them. Thus, the media materials commented on the organization’s telegram channel.
The press service noted that in this way the company decided to protect against the imitation of the brand, and to provide services for the sale of perishable goods it would not become. “Otherwise, someone will start selling cheese, radishes and red caviar under our brand, and we will still be responsible for it,” they emphasized in “Russian Post”.
Application filed to more than 100 categories of goods, among which meat, milk, cottage cheese and curd products, cheeses, cosmetics, perfumery and personal care products, diapers, dishes, textiles, souvenir products.
In addition, there are such categories in the list as “Milk Skyrshest”, “Muravyev’s larvae edible”, “Pupae silkworm butterflies used in food”. In the “Russian Post” did not indicate whether they intend to trade in such products.
Earlier, the general director of the organization Maxim Akimov said that in the period 2020-2030, the transition to the format of the holding was scheduled. One “Russian Post” will break ten companies to increase the efficiency of management and attract investments.