84 years from day of NGO Lavochkina

The history of the research and production association named after Semyon Alekseevich Lavochkina leads its own countdown since 1937. Then, by decision of the Board of Labor and Defense of the USSR, the furniture factory in Khimki near Moscow was transferred to the People’s Commissariat of the Defense Industry for the Organization on its Aviation Database. Order No. 121 of June 1, 1937 of the newly created aviation plant was assigned a number 301.

Since its inception, NGO Lavochkina has always been on the advanced borders of scientific and technological progress. Being founded as an aviation plant, NGO Lavochkina became the leading enterprise in the field of military aviation industry. Fighters of the La series, created under the leadership of the outstanding designer Seeds Alekseevich Lavochkina, received recognition for their reliability, ease of control, high speeds and unique opportunities. After that, work on missile topics began, and since 1965, the company became the head in the industry in a scientific space.

In the implementation of the Space Program, the devices created in the NGO Lavochkina made it possible to conquer our country a number of critical priorities. Such as the first soft landing on the moon (“Luna-9” 1966), the first artificial satellite of the moon (“Luna-10” 1966), delivery of the lunar soil to the ground by automatic apparatus (“Luna-16” 1970 ) Work for almost ten months of the mobile laboratory “Lunohod-1” (1970). The history of astronautics are forever inscribed: the first soft landing on Mars Mars-3 apparatus (1971) and the first soft landing on the surface of Venus (“Venus-7”, 1970), the analysis of the soil and the panoramic images of the planet transmitted from the surface (“Venus-9” in 1975), radar study of the relief of the planet and the creation of a map of Venus (“Venus-15 – 16” 1983), the study of the comet of gallium with the end-to-end span of her coma on a record-close distance from the nucleus (“Vega 1 – 2 “1986).

NGO Lavochkina (included in the state corporation “Roskosmos”) today is a dynamically developing structure for the design, manufacturing, testing and integrated development of key automatic spacecraft of socio-economic purposes, to study far space and conducting fundamental scientific research. NGO Lavochkina also occupies a leading position in the manufacture of overclocking blocks for medium-class launch vehicles to remove spacecraft to various near-earth orbits and trace territory flying away. The accumulated team of enormous experience in the development of automatic space complexes is a base for innovative space technology created by the enterprise.

/Media reports.