Release Util-Linux 2.37

released new version of the Util-Linux system utility package, which includes how closely related to Linux – Syader utilities and general use utilities. For example, the package includes Mount / Umount, Fdisk, Hwclock, Cal, Blkid, FSck / CFDisk / SFDisk, Blockdev, Chrt, MKFS, Ionice, More, Renice, Su, Kill, Setsid, Login, Shutdown, Dmesg, Lscpu, Logger, Losetup, Setterm, Mkswap, Swapon, Taskset, etc.

in new version :

  • To generate Man pages instead of Groff, the package asciidoctor ;
  • Old implementation of the Hardlink utility from Yakuba Elinec (originally written by Fedora) is replaced by a new realization from Julian Andres Claude (originally written for Debian). The new implementation does not support the “-f” parameter for the forced creation of rigid links between file systems.
/Media reports.