Spent on maternity capital in Russia

about 3 trillion rubles were spent on the maternity capital during the program. Such an amount called the deputy chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev, who quotes TASS. In total, according to him, about 12 million certificates were issued.

“During the program, 12 million certificates for maternity capital issued. This is an amount of almost 3 trillion rubles, it is very large for our state money,” said the former prime minister. Medvedev clarified that already 9 million families were ordered by these money. Now the authorities are thinking about expanding areas where money can be spent.

The Matchekipal program in the country is valid since 2007. In 2021, the size of the Matkapital is almost 484 thousand rubles on the first child and more than 639 thousand rubles on the second. Money can be spent, in particular, on education, paying training in kindergarten, school or university. Also, with the help of a certificate, it is possible to cover the cost of hostel in an educational institution. Mother itself can use the certificate by sending it to the accumulative part of its pension.

At the end of April, the State Duma was offered to simplify the use of the Matkapalo. In particular, the deputy Evgeny Fedorov talked about the need to remove a temporary restriction on the use of maternal capital to buy real estate without a mortgage. Now without using a mortgage to spend the funds of the Matkapalo for the purchase of an apartment or at home, only three years after the birth of a child.

In turn, the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Tatiana Golikova suggested allowing the use of funds for education, which IP with relevant licenses.

/Media reports.