Edition ELECTRON 13.0.0, application creation platforms based on Chromium engine

Prepared Platform Release ELECTRON 13.0.0 Provides a self-containing framework to develop multiplatform custom applications using components of Chromium, V8 and Node.js as the basis. Significant change in the version number is associated with updating to the Code base Chromium 91, the platform Node.js 14.16 and JavaScript “ v8 9.1 .

In the changes in a new release:

  • Added property Process.contextisolated to determine the execution of the current context of drawing in a separate insulated process.
  • added session.storagepath to determine the path on the disk to store the data session associated.
  • The WebContents API has been declared the “new window” event, instead of which the handler is attached to the WebContents.SetWindowOpenHandler () method.
  • Added parameter Process.contextid used in the @ electron / remote when interacting between the main process and the drawing process Pages.
  • Added API to turn on and off the handler to check the spelling.

Recall that Electron allows you to create any graphic applications using browser technologies, the logic of which is defined on JavaScript, HTML and CSS, and the functionality can be extended through the auxiliation system. The developers are available Node.js modules, as well as the advanced API to form native dialogs, application integration, context menu creation, integration with the output of notifications, manipulation by windows, interactions with Chromium subsystems.

Unlike Web applications, the ELECTRON database programs are supplied as self-sufficient executable files that are not tied to the browser. At the same time, the developer does not need to take care of porting an application for various platforms, Electron will provide the ability to build for all systems supported in Chromium. Electron also provides tools for the organization of automatic delivery and installation of updates (updates can be delivered from both a separate server, so and directly with github).

From the programs built on the Base of the Electron platform, you can mark the editor atom , postal clients Nylas and mailspring , tools for working with git Gitkraken , blogging system WordPress Desktop, BitTorrent client Webtorrent Desktop , as well as official customers to such services like Skype, Signal, Slack, Basecamp, Twitch, Ghost, Wire, Wrike, Visual Studio Code and Discord. In total, the Electron demonstration applications , including code examples for solving various tasks.

/Media reports.