Doctors urged to ban false piercing magnets due to dangerous trend in Tiktok

Doctors of the National Health Service of England (NHS) called for banning the sale of false piercing magnets that simulate the puncture of the language. Due to the deadly trend in Tiktok, doctors are increasingly coming to operate adolescents who swallowed the element of the decoration of the language during the execution of the trick. Viral videos in the social network urge to put a magnet on both sides of the tongue and swing them to create the illusion that piercing is real, writes The Guardian.

Invaging more than one magnet can be life-threatening and lead to significant internal damage for several hours. Clicking to each other in the intestines, the magnets squeeze the fabric and overlap blood supply. Unlike traditional, tiny magnets with a diameter of less than six millimeters are stronger and can be easily swallowed. Because of this, over the past three years in England, at least 65 children

were emergency

Professor Simon Kenny (Simon Kenny), Children’s Surgeon and National Director of Children and Youth Affairs in NHS England calls for banning magnets that are sold as creative sets. “There is nothing funny for children and their parents in the operation to remove swore and merging in different parts of the intestine of magnets, or in lengthy restoration, internal scars, which may remain subsequently. I would urge the parents to study the danger of such toys, but the only way to prevent incidents is the only way to prevent incidents. – Stop selling these items, “- confident doctor.

Previously, British doctors had to operate a 13-year-old schoolgirl after she repeated the trick from Tiktok. The girl fell into intensive care with pain in his stomach and vomiting. Doctors scanned the area of ​​the belly of the girls and discovered her 15 stuck magnetic balls. To save it, the operation on appendix and intestines took place.

/Media reports.