a third of Russians surveyed in the framework of the joint research (there is at the disposal of “tape.ru”) Boston Consulting Group and Romir, prepared to deteriorate the economic situation in Russia.
34 percent of the respondents (36 percent of men and 32 percent of women) spoke in favor of further deterioration in the economic situation in Russia. It is almost twice as much as a year earlier, when pessimistic moods shared 64 percent of respondents.
Most often about deterioration said people under 24 years old and from 45 to 54 years old (38 percent), less often – from 25 to 34 and from 35 to 44 years old (29 percent).
Simultaneously over the past year, the number of optimistic people of Russia – 22 percent of respondents against six percent a year earlier. 12 percent of respondents turned out to be set up most optimistic – three percent more than in 2020.
43 percent of respondents do not expect any improvement, no deterioration in the situation in the economy and are confident that everything will remain at the current level. A year ago, the share of respondents who choose such an answer is 21 percent.