Former Finnish official began making money on Soviet “Zhiguli”

Former Finnish official left the policy, opened cars in the suburb of Helsinki and began to earn money on it. This is reported by Ren TV.

According to the information of the TV channel, Hann Lairikainen worked for four years in the Finnish government in Brussels, however, due to the crisis, against the background of the coronavirus pandemic fell under the reduction. Then the man returned to his homeland and acquired 10 Soviet “Zhiguli.”

“My love for the Soviet car industry began with” Lada Niva “. This is a gorgeous all-terrain vehicle. Always dreamed of buying it yourself. And then I thought, I was not one thing? The business plan was in my head. Even when I worked on me Government, “said the hero of the material.

It is noted that in the main clients of Lairikainen are connoisseurs of the Soviet car industry, for which the vintage car of the mentioned brand causes a sense of nostalgia.

In March, it became known that Boris Nemtsov decided to sell “Zhiguli”. A resident of Nizhny Novgorod Natalya Ubaidova offers buyers to purchase a vehicle for three million rubles. The white car was released in 1991.

/Media reports.