Scientists have refuted coffee efficiency when

American scientists found out that caffeine helps to wake up faster and increases the amount of energy, but it does not fill the clock of sleep, which was not enough for the recovery organism. The results of the study of specialists are published in the journal of the American Psychological Association Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.

Representatives of the Faculties of Psychiatry and Psychology of the University of Michigan wanted to evaluate how successfully coffee helps to overcome the negative consequences of a lack of sleep for cognitive abilities. Scientists conducted an experiment in which 275 volunteers took part. They were broken into groups: the first left a sleepless night in the laboratory, and the second allowed sleeping at home.

The next morning, both groups of volunteers were given caffeine capsule or placebo, after which they asked to solve the test to the concentration of attention. The subjects also had to deal with a more difficult task of “on the placement”, which required the participants to perform actions in the right order without skipping and repetition.

Head of Research, Associate Professor of Psychology from the Laboratory of Sleep and Training Dr. Kimberly Fenn (Kimberly Fenn) stated that the lack of sleep had worsened the effectiveness of participants when performing both actions. According to her, caffeine contributed to solving only an easy task. But most of the participants in the coffee did not help to cope with the task on the placement.

Thus, scientists have proven that in a situation of lack of sleeping should not be hoped on the stimulating property of the drink, thanks to which brain activity is launched. Coffee increases the level of energy and even improves the mood, but “definitely does not replace the full night’s sleep,” they concluded specialists. They also recalled that chronic sleep deficit affects cognitive abilities, changes the mood, and also reflected on immunity, which is extremely dangerous in a pandemic.

Wounded nutritionists called useful and delicious alternatives to the morning coffee. Among them are the Japanese tea match, any other green and white tea, as well as the Red Roibush tea. Unlike coffee, tea does not cause nervousness and insomnia, because it contains the theanin, neutralizing the negative effects of caffeine.

/Media reports.