On Wednesday, May 26, 2021, the inhabitants of the Earth were able to observe the lunar eclipse. Several phases of this astronomical phenomenon were able to capture the small spacecraft of remote sensing of the Earth “Aist-2D”, which is located at an altitude of 490 km from the surface of the Earth. The full phase of the eclipse of the Moon at the time when it was closest to the planet in 2021, lasts 14.5 minutes. On the territory of Russia, with good weather, residents of the Far East were able to observe her.
Moscow planetarium reminds that yesterday’s complete eclipse coincided with the full moon and the passage of the moon of perigue – the orbit closest to Earth. A similar combination of events is occupied about once every 12 years. Eclipse, taking into account the private phases, has been launched from 12:45 to 15:53 Moscow time. At 14:19 MSK Moon plunged into the northern part of the earth’s shadow by 1,0095 of its diameter.
Stroy-2D-2D Space Activial Space Apparatus, launched on April 28, 2016 “Soyuz-2.1a” rocket at the first time campaign with an Eastern cosmodrome, developed in the Progress Rocket and Space Center (G. Samara, part of the state corporation “Roskosmos”). It includes a high-resolution optical-electronic equipment to observe the surface of the Earth, as well as scientific equipment developed by the leading universities of Samara to study the near-emblem space.
The high-resolution optical-electronic equipment provides obtaining remote sensing of the Earth in the panchromatic (0.58-0.80 microns) and multispectral spectrum ranges (0.45-0.52, 0.52-0.60, 0, 0 63-0.69 microns). The projection of the pixel when shooting in Nadir from a height of 490 km is 1.48 m in the panchromatic and 4.44 m in multispectral spectrum bands. The main advantage of a small Satellite “Aist-2D” when shooting optical electronic equipment is a high spatial resolution in combination with a significant bandwidth of the grip of the earth’s surface.