Public Property Privatization Plan for 2017-2019 was fulfilled only a quarter. Auditors of the Accounts Chamber came to this conclusion, RBC reports.
So, in terms of privatization of the state share in joint-stock companies and Ltd. the Plan is executed by 25 percent. For the incorporation of federal state unitary enterprises (FSUE), the plan was made by 22 percent, for the sale of other state property – by 23 percent. The report of the department notes that this is “historically low.”
The reasons for so weak results in the Accounts Chamber were called a “formal approach” to the preparation of a privatization plan, a weak level of coordination of participants in privatization procedures and insufficient information support. Another reason is called inappropriate pre-sale preparation, due to which assets are sold significantly cheaper than the market price.
On February 17, Russian President Vladimir Putin recalled privatization in the 90s and stated that the repetition of the model was unacceptable. The head of state stressed that privatization should improve the structure of the economy, and distribute to a penny what millions worth it is impossible.
Earlier, Russian academics proposed to return to Lamin and use the means of citizens. They are also confident that the financing of anti-crisis measures should be enlarged. Additional funds they offer to find with government borrowing and mass privatization.