American biologists have established why some people intolerant belong to domestic noise and chewing sounds, swallowing, chamber and even breathing. The reason in a strong connection between the brain zones: it causes the reaction that experts call “hyperzer reflection”, reports The Guardian.
Neurobiologists from Newcastle University conducted a study with the help of MRI, in which 75 volunteers were treated with
with mizophony – intolerance to sounds, which is recognized as a neurological disorder. Scientists examined the brain of experimental at rest and when listening to annoying sounds. These data biologists have compared with indicators of people who do not suffer from Mizophony.
The experiment showed that the paths that bind the hearing boring with the areas responsible for the movement of the mouth and throat are too activated. Scientists repeated the study by applying visual incentives, and the result was the same. Neurobilos explained that Mizophony arises because of the failure of mirror neurons: it is they who provide human training through the imitation process.
Due to violations in the work of neurons, volunteers did not seek to repeat the movements, which forced their discomfort. However, they could unconsciously reduce stress, weakly imitating swallowing or chewing. According to scientists, it helps “suspicious” people feel more confident and take control of the situation in their hands. Experts hope that irritation from sounds will be suppressed or cured at all with the help of special drugs.
previously scientists stated that Mizophony arises in the brain departments responsible for regulating emotions. Irritating sounds are studied by heartbeat in patients, and also increases sweating.