China captured the global market of garlic and became an actual monopolist on it, said in an interview with Radio “Says Moscow” Member of the Council on the agricultural complex at the Council of the Federation Sergey Lisovsky.
“They [China] for ten years killed all production around the world and then became monopolists, they began to dictate prices for garlic. Everything was very thought out,” Lisovsky said.
According to him, the first investments in the cultivation of garlic in China were produced 20 years ago. At the same time, local companies often resorted to dumping policies, artificially understating prices at the expense of state subsidies compared to the world.
In Russia, the cultivation of garlic is more expensive than in China, stated Lisovsky. An additional role in such a situation is played by “climatic and natural” conditions. As a result, the products imported from China prevails on the Russian garlic market over the home-grown.
“They can substitute every country under their price favorable. For example, they can sell garlic for many years cheaper than they sell in the same America. But due to the fact that they globally own this market, they losses from We can cover us at the expense of another country, “the Lisovsky concluded.