Dmitry Rogozin took part in Startup Village 2021

“events will happen in the next 2-3 years, which will turn over the ideas about the domestic cosmonautics.” Dmitry Rogozin, CEO of Roskosmos State Corporation, took part in the work of Startup Village 2021. Startup Village’s opening session was his online interview, in which the topic of integration of startups in space technologies, the need for space programs for the development of earthly technologies, as well as Space tourism.

Dmitry Rogozin agreed that the Renaissance is of interest in space programs in the world.

“Cosmos has always been useful for the Earth, we must work daily in environmental conditions, which is aggressive to the person and his creations, – notes the head of Roskosmos. – overcoming this obstacle, we create technologies for the benefit of a person.”
According to Dmitry Rogozin, space in Russia “Dryvit” science, technology, entrepreneurs, schoolchildren. “Look around – Space-related technologies surround us: these are satellite services for communication services, television, radio, Internet of things, remote sensing of the Earth, Meteoproths and navigation.”

In the example of one of the projects, Dmitry Rogozin led the remote sensing program of the Land “Sphere” to meet the promising needs of subscribers. According to the head of the state corporation “Roskosmos”, the most promising “startups” into space technologies now is the monitoring of space space, the creation of new materials, engineering solutions, operator services for the use of existing services.

Dmitry Rogozin also shared statistical data: the volume of the space economy in the world is $ 350-400 billion. The amount of data that transfers the state corporation “Roskosmos” to the federal authorities of the state-owned, in commercial figures is 55 billion rubles.

Most private companies are today at the beginning of the road. But there are those who confidently declared themselves: “Geoskan”, “SPUITS”, “Azmerit”, “OKB Fifth generation”. For young startups, which only strive to get into the visibility zone of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin called two components of success: Resident in the Technopark and the passage of the Commission on Science.

“We create two own technopark, where in the format of the” single window “the startup will be able to declare itself,” the head of the state corporation “Roskosmos” summed up.

/Media reports.