Available FLOPPINUX distribution, stacked in floppy disk size

is presented the first release of the FLOPPINUX distribution unit, when developing an attempt to create A minimalistic distribution that stacked a size of a 3.5-inch diskette using the latest versions of system components, such as Linux 5.13.0-RC2 kernel and a set of BusyBox 1.33.1 utilities.

The size of the prepared boot image 1.44MIB, in which the kernel occupies 632KIB, and the components of the use space – 552kib. For user applications, there is 272KIB free space (DU -H). As minimal system requirements, the equipment with the I486DX and 24 MB RAM processor is declared.

Developer Prepared Guide , allowing you to compose a similar minimalistic image for use on embedded systems with limited resources as a shell for download own specialized applications. QEMU can be used for testing (“qemu-system-i386 -fda floppinux.img”).

kernel and busybox are collected using the minimum possible initial configuration (“make Arch = x86 Tinyconfig” and “make allnoconfig”). The kernel activates the support of the RAM disk, Tty, Printk, Elf and the script header parsing “#!”. BusyBox is assembled using static binding and inclusion of VI utilities, Ash, Mount, Umount, Init, Less, Cat, Du, Echo, Ls, Sleep, Uname, PowerOff, Clear, Reboot.
Syslinux is involved.

/Media reports.