Belarusian security forces detained two militiamen who quit after the start of protest actions in August 2020 due to the reluctance to overclock the demonstrators. This is reported by Telegram-channel publication Tut.BY.
According to the publication, we are talking about the captains of the Militia of Emölyanov and Dmitry Kulakovsky. Previously, their names appeared on the list of devoid of ranks and state awards of the security forces, refused to obey the requirements of the authorities during the suppression of protests.
As the portal of the spouse Egorova stated, after the resignation, the man worked as a fitness coach. He was detained right during the workout on Tuesday, May 18. Familiar Kulakovsky confirmed information about the visit of the security forces to the former policeman.
Currently, both for the law enforcement are in an insulator to Ocsept, who gained fame after the stories of protesters about torture and beatings in its dungeons. The reasons for the detention of Egorov and Kulakovsky are still unknown, the essence of accusations against them is not disclosed.
The list of dismissed and devoid of the ranks of Silovikov was approved by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on May 4th. In total, it appears 86 surnames, mainly we are talking about officers of the Armed Forces and Police. A few days before, the commander of the internal troops of the country Nikolai Karpenkov promised to clean the whole “bloodthirsty opposition” remaining in the country and compared the repression against protesters with a counter-terrorist operation.
In Belarus, protests continued in Belarus after the presidential election on August 9, 2020. They were brutally suppressed by the security forces and almost ceased to date. Tens of thousands of people were detained, many of the injuries and injury, criminal proceedings were initiated against the part. Four people died in clashes with internal troops and police.